Community Collaboration Project (CCP) (2005-2008)

Funded through the Rural Secretariat, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

The purpose of Brandon University’s Rural Development Institute’s CCP Model project is to test the applicability and replicability of the CCP model. Through the Government of Canada’s Rural Secretariat, RDI has funding to support the development of three regional round tables (RRTs) in other provinces/territories. A project steering committee has been established and includes representation from the Rural Secretariat and RDI. Rural Teams are involved as partners in the project. Rural Teams are provincial/territorial teams of federal, provincial, local government departments and agencies and community-serving organizations who have an interest in rural and northern Canada.  In collaboration with the Rural Secretariat, RDI met with the Rural Teams in Saskatchewan, British Columbia and the Yukon to discuss the feasibility of implementing RRTs in their province or territory. The Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Yukon Rural Teams committed to becoming actively engaged in the CCP process and with the site selected in their province/territory. Each Rural Team initiated a subcommittee, the CCP steering committee. RDI met with potential community stakeholders and funding partners in each of the provinces/territory, and in collaboration with the Rural Secretariat, selected the RRT sites. Learn more about this project.

Regional Round Tables