The information contained in this series of reports are case studies of community/regional immigration initiatives in Manitoba. Sponsored by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, these case studies were undertaken with the understanding that the findings from four diverse community/regional experiences with rural immigration in Manitoba can assist in exposing innovative practices, lessons learned and further considerations for communities wishing to develop strategies for immigrant attraction, settlement and retention.
It is hoped that these findings will prove instructive for further research and policy considerations, facilitate collaboration between communities and government and initiate contact between communities and immigrants, all for the purposes of strengthening efforts at regional immigration, settlement and retention.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support received from Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), Manitoba Labour and Immigration (LIM), New Rural Economy (NRE), the National Rural Research Network (NRRN) of the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF), Rural Secretariat and Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD).