Rural Innovation In Manitoba:
Reducing Barriers to Commercialization and Growing Capacity in the Agri-food Sector.
A place-based approach to facilitating commercialization.
While there is creativity, thinking and science across Canada, the Conference Board of Canada reports an “innovation gap” that is mostly related to commercialization – the transformation of ideas and knowledge into value. This “innovation gap” is complex, not well understood and can be largely attributed to systemic barriers. Three such barriers are access to venture capital, fragmented services to innovators and commercialization, and a wide-spread risk-adverse culture. The research and activities undertaken in this project aim to close the knowledge gap that exists around understanding the complex of issues that slow down innovation in the Manitoba Agri-Food sector.
This applied research project is funded by the Canada and Manitoba governments through Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. It attempts to create new knowledge that enhances the process of innovation by addressing barriers and opportunities in commercialization in Manitoba’s Agri-Food sector, and improves capacity in organizations so they can facilitate innovation. Often innovation services and processes are located in larger urban areas where both density and specialization exist. This project aims to focus on innovation in rural Manitoba, a less studied area, where limited information exists about the
commercialization aspects of innovation.
The purpose of this project is two-fold. First to identify and address systemic barriers impacting on the commercialization cycle as experienced by selected innovators and stakeholders involved in the Manitoba Agri-food industry. Second to investigate the innovation culture and risk-adversity in Manitoba’s Southwest region within
the context of the Manitoba Agri-Food industry.
The project will determine the commercialization gap that exists in Manitoba’s Agri-Food industry based on recent experiences of Agri-Food Innovators and aims to enhance
existing capacity and leadership in Manitoba’s Southwest region for commercialization activity in the Agri-Food industry.
A variety of information sources will be used to develop empirical evidence to address the systemic barriers to innovation and commercialization from a rural perspective. In addition to literature reviews and contacting innovation centers and organizations supporting innovators and entrepreneurship development, this project has two principal sources of information. First, in depth interviews with 3-5 Manitoba Agri-Food innovators and associated Manitoba Agri-Food stakeholders (25 interviews) will be conducted. Second, a survey of approximately a sample of 460 individuals will be conducted (including households, youth, immigrants and SME owners) in 3-4 communities in Manitoba’s Southwest region.
This research project will generate a variety of research products over its two-year duration such as research reports and organized information resources (e.g. resources of innovation programs, strategies and tools from both existing websites and networks but also gained from interviews and roundtables, inventory assets to better utilize infrastructure and knowledge of commercialization). The project will apply a variety of modes (website, webinars, and print) to disseminate this research. This research will produce a comprehensive package of strategies, tools and support programs available to Agri-Food innovators in Manitoba and Agri-Food sector stakeholders involved in innovation and commercialization (including scientists and researchers, economic and business professionals, financing agencies, patent lawyers, business advisors, government agencies organizations). The Rural Innovation in Manitoba research project will assist in enhancing exporting and manufacturing opportunities as well as in facilitating entrepreneurship in rural Manitoba.