Rural Research Centres in Canada

Throughout Canada, a small number of university-based research centres have been working with rural and northern communities to increase the understanding of rural development, policy, and practice. Great diversity exists among these rural research centres. The Rural Development Institute has prepared a report outlining university-based rural research centres to increase the understanding of centres across Canada. Information is presented from eight rural research centres and four national rural networks/organizations. The report will assist in facilitating discussions of university-based research centres, their connections to communities, and the diversity that exists throughout centres in Canada.

Across Canada, numerous university researchers are actively engaged in rural and northern research projects. This report is not inclusive of these researchers or their respective projects. This report also does not represent all university-based rural research centres or national organizations/networks. It is recognized that a number of Canadian researchers have formal and informal connections to rural research centres throughout the world; however, only Canadian university centres are listed below. This report will be revised on a regular basis with updated information.

For more information on the rural research centres please visit the following sites:

Project Publications

Exploring the role of rural development research centers in knowledge translation, mobilization and community engagement
  • Bill Reimer, Laura Ryser, Rob Greenwood, Robert Annis, Ryan Gibson, Yolande Chan
  • October 2008
  • Presented at the Knowledge in Motion Conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland.