Current Projects

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Demonstration and Investigation Into Livestock Systems Adoption

This project, as proposed by the Upper Assiniboine River Conservation District (UARCD), is an integrated approach with a focus on livestock systems (i.e. cattle) and secondary emphasis on cropping systems and agroforestry. The project aims to demonstrate environmentally responsible practices…

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Rural Innovation In Manitoba: Reducing Barriers to Commercialization and Growing Capacity in the Agri-food Sector

While there is creativity, thinking and science across Canada, the Conference Board of Canada reports an “innovation gap” that is mostly related to commercialization – the transformation of ideas and knowledge into value. This “innovation gap” is complex, not well…

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Food & Beverage Processing Industry Growth Pathways to 2020

This applied research project answers a simple question: how big will the Manitoba food and beverage processing industry be in 2020? Given the current, considerable size of the sector, finding that answer requires some effort. The food and beverage processing…

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Social Media @ RDI

Rural Development Institute is launching online articles titled: Social Media Research. This series examines the use and influence of social media on rural, northern, and remote communities. The articles explore the growing dimensions of social media, their limits/opportunities, and impact…

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International Comparative Rural Policies Studies Program

The ICRPS program aims to create a high-level, international, inter-disciplinary, and research-based learning environment for future leaders in rural policy development, research, teaching and practice. The program provides a post-graduate program in comparative rural policy studies at post-secondary educational institutions…

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