- Pathfinder for Communities: Selecting Tools for CED
- Manitoba Food Processing 2012-13
- Rural by Design
- Student-Led Legacy Project
- CRRF/RDI Annual Conference 2010
- Building Welcoming Communities: A Multi-Sector Regional Collaborative Approach to Rural Immigration
- Community Foundations in Manitoba
- Building Capacity and Knowledge among Rural Communities, Community-Based Organizations, and Policy Makers for a Welcoming Community
- Managing Invasive Species: Leafy Spurge Control
- On the Ground: Leafy Spurge Surveillance and Management and Towards Establishing an Invasive Plant Council for the Province of MB
- Pathway Prevention of Invasive Species: Increasing Education and Awareness Priority Area: Integrating Pest Management
- Economic Impact Assessment of Leafy Spurge in MB
- Rural and Northern Youth Migration in Manitoba
- Increasing Awareness of Control Methods: A Leafy Spurge Demonstration Site
- Ethnocultural Communities and Organizations in Brandon and Steinbach
- Rural Research Centres in Canada
- Revitalization: Fate and Choice
- CRRF/NRRN Annual Conference 2008
- Health Care Access of Northern Residents
- NRRN Northern Dialogues Session
- Manitoba From the Air: A Geographical Interpretation
- Comparative Study of Temporary Foreign Worker Programs
- Rural Immigration: Exploring Demographics and Temporary Foreign Workers in Brandon and Area
- Leafy Spurge Rangeland Control and Management
- Establishment of the Prairie Region Invasive Noxious Weed Survey and Mapping System
- Broadband Economic Impacts
- Community Collaboration Project (CCP)
- CRRF/RDI National Rural Think Tank 2005 – Immigration in Rural Canada: Research and Practice